Play Rugby and learn English

New Zealand

New Zealand Rugby Academy 


The Rugby Academy New Zealand provides athletes of various levels with the perfect Rugby training programme according to their age and experience. The training centres are based in Ireland, England, France and New Zealand.

The rugby programme allows athletes to improve their Rugby and individual skills with the best coaches available in a safe, enjoyable and stimulating environment within the best rugby countries. For 2022, 2023 and 2024 we will be running the rugby academy in conjunction with important leading rugby schools and clubs, considered among the best in the world.


Date: All year round
Location: New Zealand
Age Grade: Athletes 14 to 23 years old
Type: Rugby Academy
Durantion: 4 or more weeks
Accommodation: Host family (full immersion in traditional Kiwi rugby family life) and College (full board).
Level of Rugby: Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite 
Level of English: Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced
Extra Curricular activities: Excursions, Leisure and Sport Activies
Optional:General English Course, Intensive English, English for specific pourposes, Cambridge Exam preparation

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New Zealand





Rugby Training Facilities







Name: Rugby Academy: Train, Play and Compete & Excellence in Rugby
Contents: More than 15 hours a week of training and interrelated activities, including educational lessons, coaching, individual skills exercises (positional play analysis).
Development of Individual, mini-unit and team skills, mental strength, intelligence and rugby abilities.
Training analysis: through video support (if appropriate).
Nutrition: General and specific nutritional talks.
Coaches: All Camp Managers are fully NZRU accredited coaches and have additionally completed NZRU Safe Rugby and the World Rugby First Aid in Rugby
Special Features: High-Performance Rugby and Strength and Conditioning Programme. International youth players participation.
Optional:Scrum Academy, High-performance gym, General English Course, Intensive English, English for specific purposes, Cambridge Exam preparation (contact us for more details)

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Skills Development Programme

At the Rugby Academy athletes focus on all aspects of the game and performing skills under pressure.
The Rugby Skills Development Programme is designed to develop players, based on the core four skills.
  1. Catching and Passing or Kicking
  2. Tackling
  3. Support and Evasion
  4. The Breakdown (Defensive and Attacking with individual, mini-unit and team skills assessment and progressive development )

All sessions will have one of these four core skills as its main focus, which will be assessed and developed progressively. Particular emphasis will be placed on the following topics:

  • # Communication and the ability to make decisions under pressure
  • # Leadership activation; mental strength; tactical intelligence
Additional aspects include (when appropriate):
  • # Functional assessment and development
  • # Speed, Agility, Quickness & Flexibility Development
  • # Game related fitness
  • # Strength and conditioning

Players who attend the Rugby Academy will be coached by Top Level coaches, fully DBS checked and first aid trained. Our staff, which includes a full-time physiotherapist, will be looking after players at all other times. They conform to Ireland, England, France and New Zealand’s Rugby Football Union and the World Rugby’s guidance in teaching rugby.

Hi-Performance Development Programme

The Rugby Academy will provide players and teams with an opportunity to experience a development programme which will be tailored to the team and/or the individual.

The rugby academy programme includes:

  • # Technical Core skills assessment and progressive development
  • # Positional play
  • # Tactical skills assessment and development (including analysis where appropriate)
  • # Game Management Development & Training analysis through video supports where appropriate
  • # Mental Preparation
  • # Injury Prevention & Recuperation
  • # Physical fitness, Strength, Power and Conditioning assessment and development
  • # Nutrition Analysis & Planning
  • # Access to expert coaching and fitness training
  • # Access to top-level coaches and playing facilities
  • # Performance analysis, Goal setting, Performance planning
  • # Medical and Functional Assessment and support (where and when applicable)
  • # Personal Development


All participants will be assisted, coached and guided by NZRU professional coaches, professional players and experienced English teacher. All our teaching and coaching staff are native English speaker.
Particular emphasis will be placed on the following topics: individual skills and techniques; mini-unit and team skills; communication and the ability to make decisions. Athletes will learn the essential techniques required to play the game safely, they will learn and develop new skills and ways to express themselves in a team environment. During each rugby training session, there will be “humbleness” that comes by working with a group and the “conscientiousness” for the safety and enjoyment of all players involved.


Athletes will have more than 15 hours a week of training and interrelated activities, which include educational lessons, coaching, individual skills exercises, development of mental strength, intelligence and rugby abilities.
Training sessions will be analysed through video support when appropriate.
Players will also gain a greater understanding of the importance of physical fitness, strength and conditioning and what it is appropriate for young players at any age or stage of the long-term player development continuum. There will be general and specific nutritional talks on how best to eat to be healthy while playing sports.
All Camp Managers are fully accredited NZRU coaches and have additionally completed NZRU Safe Rugby and World Rugby First Aid in Rugby.


Positional Play:

Positional Play

The Rugby Academy provides a positional play development programme that includes the most current and up to date trends in the game. The programme is delivered by highly qualified & experienced coaches in a professional and engaging manner.

The programme follows a traditional developmental model including the following Key areas :

  • # Foundation
  • # Development
  • # Safe Positional Play
Additional aspects include (when appropriate):
  • # Coaching
  • # Consultancy
  • # Analysis

We provide a high standard of positional specific coaching that will increase and improve players’s knowledge, positional specific skills and overall qualities and abilities to perform and deliver under pressure.


Half-day excursions: 1 per week
Full day excursions: 1 per week
Evening activities: Karaoke, barbecue, Irish night and disco.

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Extracurricular Activities

In addition to training, athletes go on one half day cultural trip per week. These are normally to local visitor attractions such as city centres, museums, sports stadiums or other popular sites. Athletes travel to the locations with their group leader(s) and one or more “Play Rugby” activity leader. Admission fees are included.
One full day excursion per week, usually on Saturdays, is also included. Students travel to places of interest by private or public bus. Admission fees are included. There are no organised activities on Sundays as many groups, host families or friends like to organise their own day.

Evening activities are held several times every week. These can include sports & games competitions, excursions, movie nights, barbecues, discos and much more. Evening activities normally take place between 20:00 and 22:00 but this can vary depending on the activity and age group of the athletes.

The activities programme provides students with an opportunity to absorb some of New Zealand’s rich heritage in a fun and relaxed way while also allowing students the opportunity to improve their social and English skills. This informal and social aspect of the programme is key to improving personal skills. It also allows athletes from different nationalities to get to know each other outside the rugby ground. Some of the friendships made at the Rugby Academy in New Zealand will last a lifetime.


Accommodations: Host Family Accommodation with selected Kiwi families or College/Residential Accommodation on full board basis
Location: Located in one of the quietest residential areas of the city

Internet: WiFi (Supervised access to computer and Internet facilities)

Room type: Single or twin rooms, students share their accommodations with other students of different nationality (if feasible)

Assistance: 24/7 emergency phone

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Host family Accommodation

Students attending the Rugby Academy should stay with host families. All our families are inspected and carefully selected by our accommodation officers who maintain regular contact with each host family during a student’s stay. Host families are conveniently located to the training facilities and most have many years experience looking after student-athletes.
 Accommodation is arranged on a full board basis.

Students normally share a room with a student of a similar age but of a different nationality. Unless specifically requested and if feasible there is only one student of any particular nationality in each family.
 Students normally travel to classes each day by public transport. Private transfers can also be arranged at an additional cost. Living with a host family gives a perspective into Kiwi’s family life. The interaction with a host family plays a prominent role in developing language skills.


Residential Accommodation

The Residence can accommodate athletes, most in comfortable single, double or triple rooms accommodation. All the accommodation used by the athletes is of extremely high quality. Each bedroom is either situated very close to the modern wash and toilet facilities or, alternatively, has its own en-suite shower room. Each student will have their own wardrobe, drawers, desk and chair.

The catering facilities provide both hot and cold meals and a wide range of snacks. It is open before school and at break times.


College Accommodation

Boarding schools offer an alternative to the “host family” option for students who wish to immerse themselves in the complete school experience. Boarding offers a unique community orientated way of life and suits students who are outgoing, sporty & adaptable. It offers a comprehensive academic and extracurricular environment which serves to develop each student to their full all-around potential.

The Rugby campus is a self-contained community, which offers children a degree of independence and freedom to explore whilst providing a safe and secure environment. The well-being of our students is at the heart of our boarding provision. With a generous staff to student ratio, we guarantee round-the-clock care within a happy, well-ordered environment. We encourage staff to cultivate a friendly, lively, family atmosphere to ensure all students feel comfortable, contented and supported while they are away from home.

The College can accommodate residential students on-site, most in comfortable double or triple rooms accommodation. All the accommodation used by the Language School students is of extremely high quality. Each bedroom is either situated very close to our modern wash and toilet facilities or, alternatively, has its own en-suite shower room. Each student will have their own wardrobe, drawers, desk and chair.

The catering facilities provide both hot and cold meals and a wide range of snacks.It is open before school and at break times.


Staff and Supervision

All of the staff at the Rugby Academy are committed to offering athletes the best possible education during their stay. We inspire athletes to work diligently so they can effectively improve their skills.

The experienced coaching staff are well trained and highly qualified in what they coach. They are up to date with the latest methods in coaching Rugby to international players and combine academic excellence with sensitivity and receptiveness to each athlete’s individual needs, talents and potential.
 All coaches are graduates with qualifications in coaching rugby (NZRU) and are respected for their knowledge and professionalism.

The activities programme provides students with an opportunity to absorb some of New Zealand’s rich heritage in a fun and relaxed way while also allowing athletes the opportunity to improve their personal skills. This informal and social aspect of the programme is key to improving social skills. It also allows athletes from different nationalities to get to know each other outside the rugby ground. Some of the friendships made at the Rugby Academy will last a lifetime.

Athletes-Students travel to the locations with their group leader(s) and one or more “Play Rugby” activity leader.

All students are supervised by “Play Rugby” activity leaders. During the day, students take part in supervised school classes, training sessions, activities and excursions. During the evening, students will also have a programme of supervised activities.

All the students/athletes have 24-hour emergency assistance.

Training and Education

Play Rugby and Learn English

This is a Rugby and English programme that allows students to improve their English while they are also participating in a specific rugby training programme. Students attend classes in the morning which follow the same layout as a General English Course. Four afternoons per week students participate in a predetermined rugby training programme with a match being held every week, if feasible. Students go on a half day cultural trip once per week and there is a full day excursion on Saturdays.

Optional English Classes



11:00-11:30 Morning Break Morning Break Morning Break Morning Break Morning Break
13:00-14:00 Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:30-16:30 RUGBY RUGBY RUGBY RUGBY Excursion / Rugby
18:00-19:00 Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner Dinner
EVENING Evening Activity Evening Activity Evening Activity Evening Activity Evening Activity
The school is approved by the British Council and recognized by the Education and Science Department of the New Zealand Government for the teaching of the English language to international students.
* Please note: Schedule is subject to change without notice.


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